RV Finance and Refinance Frequently Asked Questions
Newcoast Financial Services offers the following information and guidance as you consider financing or refinancing your RV.
What is the lowest interest rate available to me for my RV loan?
Interest rates are determined by the requested RV loan amount, the age of the RV, and the credit worthiness of the applicant.
How long does the RV loan application process take?
A RV loan application can be taken over the phone in less than 10 minutes. Credit decisions can be made in as little as one business day and closing paperwork is sent by email or express mail service. Most customers complete the entire loan process in less than five business days.
What type of RV loan can be financed?
Financing or refinancing can be provided for new and used RVs used for pleasure purposes starting at $25,000. RV financing is available in all states except Hawaii.
Why should I choose the WTA RV Finance and Refinance Program and Newcoast Financial Services for my RV financing?
Newcoast Financial Services (Newcoast) is one of the most competitive and knowledgeable RV finance companies in the country. Newcoast only employs the most experiences RV loan professionals with over 20 years of experience! Most importantly, its staff and state of the art technology will give you the personal service you deserve.

Call a loan officer at 866-639-2627, ext. 14592 (Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. EST).