If you have a love for travel, whether in the U.S. or abroad, the World Travelers of America website has a lot to offer you. More than 75,000 savvy travelers use WTA's exclusive services
and benefits, supporting our mission to make travel safer, more
affordable, and hassle-free.
Whether you are currently a member or a visitor for the first time, travel through the site and access a variety of resources designed
to enhance your travel experiences. Click on any areas below or
on either side of your screen and let WTA help you enjoy your travels
that much more.
Since 1999, World Travelers of America (WTA) has not only
offered tremendous benefits and valuable
discounts to members and non-members, we have
also worked to promote travel safety,
affordability, and improving the ease of travel.
Impressive Benefits for Non-Members and
WTA has created an impressive list of
benefits that travelers like you will appreciate. Over 75,000 travelers
across the United States are members of World Travelers of America. For just $19, you, too, can join their
ranks and take advantage of WTA's exceptional
benefits and services.