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WTA Wise Travel Tips Quiz

Travel tips are easy guidelines for improving the comfort, safety and convenience of any trip. If some of the answers to this multiple-choice quiz seem obvious, that’s because you already know the reasoning behind them. For any that leave you wondering why, the answers are explained, often in entertaining detail, under the Travel Tips section of our web site at WTA Travel Tips.

1. The safest way to park your car at a strange hotel is to:

a. Sleep in it
b. Leave it next to a dumpster
c. Ask for an escort to & from lot

2. The preferred hotel floor is:

a. Between 2 and 7
b. Penthouse
c. Thirteen

3.The smartest vantage point for viewing a theme park parade is:

a. Beginning of route
b. Middle
c. End

4. In Japan, show respect by:

a. Steady eye contact
b. Winking
c. Looking at floor

5. Wait at least 24 hours before flying after having:

a. Baked beans
b. Dental work
c. A hangover

6. You may change this before using a cell phone on a trip:

a. Coverage
b. Your mind
c. Antenna

7. You can usually save money by using this in your hotel room:

a. Wet bar
b. Telephone
c. Restraint

8. The last place to look before checking out of a hotel room is:

a. At the TV weather channel
b. Out the window
c. Under the bed(s)

9. If you’re going to change money abroad, be sure to bring:

a. Small bills
b. New U.S. currency
c. A calculator

10. When using a taxi in a foreign country, always show the driver a:

a. Written address
b. Friendly attitude
c. Passport

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