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Fascinating Places

Test your knowledge about these fascinating places you can see around the world.

1. The Netherlands is the lowest country on earth. How much of its land is below sea level?

a. All
b. 40 %
c. 63%

2. About one-fourth of all the world’s forests are in what nation?

a. Congo
b. Brazil
c. Siberia

3. Where will you drive across the world’s longest bridge? (24 miles)

a. Lake Michigan: Manitowac, WI to Ludington, MI
b. Gulf of California: Baja California to Mexico mainland
c. Lake Pontchartrain Causeway (New Orleans)

4. Where is the world’s longest frontier?

a. Chile/Brazil
b. Russia/China
c. United States/Canada

5. Where will you see the tallest building in the United States?

a. New York City, NY
b. Los Angeles, CA
c. Chicago, IL

6. England is roughly the size of what other area?

a. Colombia
b. U.S. state of Louisiana
c. Finland

7. What island do you cross on the bridge between San Francisco and Oakland, CA?

a. Treasure Island
b. Alcatraz
c. Yerba Buena

8. What is the most southern point in the United States?

a. Key West, FL
b. Brownsville, TX
c. South Point, HI

9. Where is the town of Santa Claus?

a. Iceland
b. Indiana
c. Greenland

10. Where will you see the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world?

a. Damascus
b. Jerusalem
c. Cairo

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